Technology Bulletin April 2024
Hi First Name,
Welcome to the April edition of our Technology Bulletin where we attempt to navigate and bring to you the new, and the newsworthy, in the world of building technology.
This month we share how teaming up with zencontrol, has enabled us to offer an unparalleled level of service, and how that support can continue for life!
We also look at the benefits of using sensors that measure and report not just on light levels or occupancy, but on air quality, humidity, pressure, and more. Add to this a comprehensive software solution that makes sense of this data in easy-to-use visualisations, and you have a perfect way to monitor and enhance the performance of your building.
We share links to research suggesting that purpose-driven organisations see improved market performance. And though it's a bit late for April Fools' Day pranks, we conclude by reminding you of an innovation from 20 years ago that everyone thought was a joke!
The Intelligent Environments Team